Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A Short Update

If you started out reading Ray's blog from the very beginning and knew he was in cats, it's hard to believe that his best friend would end up being a cat. But such is the case. 

As his dog friends moved, or moved on to a different plane of existence (died), Ray adapted. He learned to not eat his cat companions and even to enjoy their company. 

It helps that Ray's current cats are not afraid of him. Juno knows that if she is in Ray's path, he will step on her so she scoots out of the way. Lionel, Ray's best friend in the whole world, moves for no dog. He waits for Ray to step on him then grabs Ray's foot, or if its close enough and Li doesn't have to exert himself too much, Ray's head. Li sleeps with Ray and eats his food. Juno keeps a motherly eye on both of them, giving them a quick lick every now-and-again. As mothers are wont to do, she anxiously awaits Ray's return from long walks and greets him ecstatically, rubbing along his legs, and tickling his belly with her tail, making her excited little porpoise noises the whole time.
Brothers from another mother

Juno and Lionel love their dog. And Ray, much to my amazement, seems to love his cats. 

The boys at rest


  1. Awww! That's amazing, and so nice to hear. Lionel and Ray even look like each other, in a non-species kind of way.

    So glad to see a post from you :)

    1. I know what you mean about Li and Ray. They do seem to resemble each other.
      Thanks for your kind comment.

  2. Lynn (in Lousiana)May 7, 2017 at 1:48 PM

    So glad to see your post. I've missed Ray and his shenanigans!

    1. Hi Lynn,
      There's not a day goes by when I don't think about blogging but then life takes over. Maybe I'll get back to it one of these days...

  3. My second favourite animal family have reached the and cat harmony and in fact stepped beyond into actual mutual affection. This is just awesome. And soon I get to meet Li and get me some of that quirky catness...and reconnect with Ray and Juno. I'm coming guys ...see you very soon. P.s. please send mom to the airport to collect me !

  4. Hello Blueberry's human! Good to hear from you. I was re-reading one of Ray's blogs the other day - the one about the blueberry pancake - and thought about you guys. Hope all is well.

  5. Awww, so sweet! Ray must be in heaven. Thanks for the update!

  6. From the last photo...Will you ask Ray if his kitty's toes smell like fritos? They say dog feet smell like fritos. I wonder if Lionels smell like them too.
