The problem with having a blog is, when you don't write anything for awhile, people get worried. Family members worry, friends worry, and people we have never met worry. When we started to get emails, comments, and even a phone call from Gregg's sister wondering what was up, I knew I'd better get back to it. It's not like I had a good excuse, or that there was nothing to write about, it's just that, first I was busy, then I didn't feel like it.
So here is a briefing, in my preferred method of communication (a list), on what has been happening.
Are we there yet?
(Ray and Kathy) |
1. My sister Kathy, Ray, and I went to South Carolina.
Yuko and Kathy (humans), FlowerPower and Ray (dogs) |
2. Hannah got a dog; one that despises Ray.
(Although FlowerPower, a name that she came with and that Hannah decided was perfect for her, is cute and high-energy and the perfect dog for Hannah, FlowerPower cannot be trusted off-leash around Ray. She doesn't like his noise, and apparently, doesn't like him. It was disappointing and, at times, scary. Although Yuko and I walked the dogs together every morning and FlowerPower was fine, she went into attack mode whenever we were in the yards. Ray does not back down in a fight which is a bit terrifying for the humans when he can't actually see what he is biting at.
Yuko and Jean (humans), FlowerPower and Ray (dogs) |
FlowerPower and Ray |
5. Ray was happy to be home.
I'm so happy we're back. My new cousin is SO annoying. |
(Unfortunately, Ray's happiness was tempered a bit by the fact that
Chester wasn't waiting for him when he got home. Used to be, Ray would immediately run upstairs to tell his cats that he was back from his travels, but with the recent demise of his best buddies, Ray has transferred all of his affection to Chester. After arriving home, Gregg, Kathy, and I sat out on the front porch to chat. Attached to the end of his tether, Ray joined us. We watched as Ray fruitlessly searched the azaleas for his friend and then strained against the wire in the direction of his next-door-neighbor's house. He was disconsolate. Chester did not make an appearance until the next day.)
6. Ray got a new collar in tasteful fall colors.
New collar. |
7. Gregg and I are planning a vacation. To England. To visit
Ray's number one fans, Niki and Jez and their menagerie.
(I'm looking for someone to stay with Ray. If you know of anyone in the greater Washington, DC area, give me a shout-out.)
What!? You're going where? And you're not taking ME? |
8. When we get back, we are going to get Ray a present. There will probably be a definite uptick in the number of blogs after that.