Chester's sister gives two thumbs up! |
Ray has hit the campaign trail running. He believes that having his campaign manager take a vacation in the crucial days before the election has really hurt his chances for making it to the governor's mansion. (Perhaps a reason for our lukewarm reception upon our return home.) To try to make it up to him we have been campaigning hard and have secured promises for votes from several different quarters.
One thing that seems to be working in Ray's favor is his coloring. For some inexplicable reason, Ray becomes more noticeable in the fall. Ray is always a knockout, but at more than any other time of the year, people will jog by and yell out, "Beautiful dog!" or stop and ask us what kind of dog Ray is just so they can tell us how attractive he is. Maybe because of the way the fall sun hits his coat, or the way his colors are complimented by the fall leaves, Ray gets noticed.
It is definitely working to his advantage. When I stop to tell people that Ray is a Redtick Coonhound, I always mention the fact that he is running for governor. Or when people jog by and yell "Beautiful dog!" I yell back, "Vote for Ray!" (I'm sure those people jog on thinking "What the….?"). If people are in no hurry, we explain the bellyrub platform and Ray demonstrates.
Dog and walker proudly support their friend! |
Things seem to be going well and word seems to be spreading. When Ray and I went to the vet yesterday to pick up flea treatment, the receptionist took one look at us and, unprompted, shouted out, "I'm voting for Ray!" She then urged all of her co-workers to do the same. Ray took his time with these loyal constituents, indiscriminately kissing the voters, and showing them his platform. I have heard that Just Fur Pets, the doggy daycare that Ray used to frequent, is equally enthusiastic about the candidate.
Only one week left to get the message out. There is a lot still to do.
Entire families are on board with Ray! |
Random shoppers show their support! |
Old friends... |
…and new back the blind dog |
The cat vote is secured! |
Across-the-street-neighbors are behind the hound! |
Casual lake-strollers for Ray! |
Groundwork is laid with the Zombie contingent! |
Ghouls happily support the bone-digger . |
you need to sit out on the porch tomorrow night and pass out buttons along with candy. That will get you the Halloween vote.