Monday, July 6, 2009

Your Correspondent for Today

Hello everyone. This is Gregg reporting.  This is my first time with this blog since this adventure started, so please be patient with me (I am no Orwell).  I took the day off , and despite Jean's suggestion that I take Ray to doggy-day-care, I decided to solo it to see how I could handle the situation.

After Jean left for work, I thought I would take Ray for a run since it was still early and not too hot.  I got dressed and went downstairs to lace up my shoes and do my usual stretching and pre-run routine (sit-ups and push-ups, etc.).  As I lay on the floor, Ray jumped on top of me!  He wanted to wrestle; after about a minute or so of play bites and a LOT of licking, I gently shoved him off.  I was coated in dog drool and Ray was chewing on one of my brand new running shoes. "Hey, those aren't even paid for yet", I laughed, as I grabbed the shoe and his leash.  We took off for a short run today.  I went for two miles to see how he would do this morning.  Last time we went out, the sun was high and we went for three miles.  That did not work out so well;  I think Ray is a bit out of shape and was not used to the heat.  This morning,  we hit the pavement and he took off like lightning for the first half-mile, dragging me like one of those Iditarod sled dogs you read about.  So much for "heel", but he seemed to be enjoying himself;  quite frankly, I appreciated the lift!.  Then he slowed down to his usual lope.  The run ended without incident - no civilians or innocents were hurt!

When we got home, Ray drank water and then collapsed in the living room.  I took this as a good sign that I could get on with the day.  I cut the grass, then coaxed him outside while I ran a few errands.  When I got back, he did his usual baying around the back yard.  Then something caught his attention; he started barking and trying to jump the fence.  I have never heard or seen him do either. No barking or dog in view that I could hear or see;  maybe the scent of a fox or some other distraction.  He calmed down, and I bicycled over to the pool for a bit.  When I got back, I thought it was time for another walk, so we did the usual two-mile or so circuit in the neighborhood.  It was quite hot by now and our stroll was uneventful, although two passing Bassets took a throaty interest in Ray; Ray was unperturbed.  He also showed an inordinate sniffing interest in a path that leads to a nearby wooded area and stream - - foxes, I thought. 

When we got back to the house, Jean was home.  We did the usual; discussed our day, prepped for dinner, etc.  Todd and Sasha walked by, and we had a mini-playdate in the front yard.  Ray was especially well-behaved; he and Sasha are really starting to get along well (despite the rather alarming photos in a previous post!).  He nosed around our plate at dinner for a bit, and then fell asleep on the sofa.  Busy day - - or more likely a typical Ray day, I suppose.

Oh yes, the cats have been slowly re-emerging from internal exile. I suspect they have been doing their cat-thing and creep around at night, and today both cats wandered down at various times - - perhaps to see if the beast was still there, or more likely to use the "box".  Maybe this is typical, but unusual from my observations.  

Well, that's that. Gregg out.      

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