Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cool Stats

Every once-in-awhile I check the stats on youtube to see how many people have viewed Ray's videos. (It's a hobby of mine - seeing how popular my dog is.) Well, recently I found out that there is a way to check the stats by country. The video of Ray and William has gone viral (well, for a Ray video anyway - it has about 300 views...). Here is a list of countries where my blind hound is "famous" (at least one person in the following countries has watched Ray giving a licking to William):
  1. Sweden
  2. Argentina
  3. India
  4. Japan
  5. Canada
  6. Italy
  7. Croatia
  8. Guatemala
  9. Paraguay
  10. Norway
  11. Brazil
  12. Finland
  13. Venezuela
  14. Algeria
  15. Poland
  16. Germany
  17. France
  18. Egypt
  19. United Kingdom
  20. Spain
  21. Saudi Arabia
  22. Turkey
and of course here.

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